Inside of each of us is a latent capacity awaiting our actualization.
What is sometimes called the inner teacher, the higher mind, or the soul is that aspect of your consciousness that fully understands your purpose. It is your wholeness navigator, that part of you that knows why you’re here, what you are capable of and what will ultimately fulfill you. It is your point in the heart where the plan of creation and the knowledge of the path is known to you. It is both highly personal – being your true self, and universal – being one with the source of all life. It includes and transcends your humanness as your higher self.
Activating the Higher Mind
This part of the mind requires activation. Since it is subtle, being deeper than thought, and being partly atemporal (out side of time), identifying and working with it takes practice. This aspect of you is beyond the linear, time based thinking and feeling of ordinary consciousness. It is beyond your memories, beliefs and learned knowledge but also has access to all these things in you. It is unconditioned by fears, cultural programing, false knowledge and the perceptual errors that lead to “mistakes”.
Because of its station, perched within and beyond your self-hood, it knows exactly what is in your best interest in everything. In every situation, whether it’s a major life decision or a seemingly benign one, this part of you has a full understanding of what is going to be most helpful to you. It knows why you’re here, where your potential lies and has very specific guidance to give you to fulfill it – if you’ll listen.
The Heirophant as an Archetype for the Higher Mind
The Taurus archetype is that part of the collective soul of humanity that pulls the plow of evolution. Depicted as a bull, it is a kind of engine that moves us forward on the path of return, knowing both the beginning and ending result of all our actions. In tarot, Taurus is depicted by the Hierophant and the Hebrew letter Vav which means nail, the connecting link between time and eternity, causes and outcomes. A nail is that which bonds or fastens together boards in a structure. In this context Vav is the nail that fastens together the separate parts of existence. It is the knower of the mysteries and the link that joins together the plan of creation with its ultimate goal. Its therefore associated to the ancient lineage of ageless wisdom and carries the knowledge of the true nature of the self and existence.
In the western esoteric tradition this nail or fastener is also considered the root of the sense perception of hearing, and the power that joins wisdom to mercy. In wisdom, the benevolence of creation is revealed in its ever expanding perfection and purpose – a revelation of ultimate mercy. For us, in the world of form and its separate parts, it is the bridge between the one and the many, so that however divergent and varied the life expressions become, it remains one with its essential undifferentiated nature.
When the confusion of the world clouds the mind, it is that in us which remains forever unperturbed, knowing the true function and destiny of all that seems to be. The knowing of the true purpose and function of all things is the source of the “peace that passeth all understanding.” When we learn to tune into this part of our nature, we are profoundly nourished and fastened to a changeless wisdom and its perfect peace. In listening to its guidance, we are also given specific instructions as to the right actions we are to take in the world and the right interpretations of what things mean. It is a voice offering instructions moment to moment, counseling us on what to do, and when to do it.
The True Capacities of the Higher Self
As autonomous individuals we feel we are alone inside of ourselves. We even can feel that we must rely on ourselves for everything, and that our victories and failures depend on our own capacities. But this perception is shown to be an illusion in the direct experience of the presence the higher self. The higher self is always here watching over us and its infinitely more competent than we are by ourselves. When Jesus said “I of my self can do nothing”, he was speaking of this part of our consciousness. To take this statement seriously and begin practicing total reliance on wisdom from above is to begin to surrender ourselves to an intelligence inside us that’s free from error.
We can sometimes feel that we are not capable, not good enough, or skillful enough to do the things we dream of. This might be true on the level of the personality, but by the infinite mercy and benevolence of creation, we are given a capable guide. Some part of us is capable and we can learn to live in close contact with its instructions. The triumphant and eternal intelligence of the God force within us is capable of performing the needed actions through us.
To begin to build a conscious relationship with this aspect of our inner being, is the beginning of our true will and radical freedom. But, to listen to its guidance is no small task. The noise of the world and the habit of doubt are significant for most people. We need to practice relaxing into stillness and trusting the small still voice within. When we come to stillness, taking an inner posture of receptivity, we begin to open to its influx of guidance. Slowing down the mind and presenting the sincerity of our sacred intention to be led by truth is all that is required.
When we hear the voice of the inner teacher, for some there is an experience of an actual voice. Other times its a somatic sense that pulls us in a direction with confident expectancy. It can be an inner prompt or intuition that might simply feel like a “yes” when an opportunity is presented, or a “no thanks” when something’s off. Sometimes it might be a flash of an image in the mind like a light going on. Other times it could be a physical feeling in the gut. The point is the inner guide will communicate with each of us uniquely, in whatever way is best suited our particular style of listening. But whatever the form of communication, it will be without fear, un-conflicted, free of anger, or guilt and it will come quietly and without attachment to any outcome. For this reason we must learn to quiet ourselves enough to become sensitive to its subtlety.
Experience The Inner Teacher with this Guided Meditation
In Source Vibrations’ meditation, The Art of Sacred Listening, we’ll practice this opening, experiencing for ourselves that we do not need to rely on the “I of ourselves alone”. We are in fact guided moment to moment by an intelligence in us that is beyond all errors and confusion. Please join us in the intention to hear the voice of the inner teacher. Details about this meditation and our Full Moon Meditation membership are below.

We can go much deeper together. Tune in with our synchronized full moon guided meditation. Begins 11/31 @ 7 pm MST
Purchase the single session here or sign up to become a member of Meditations Beyond the Zodiac and receive a trans-personal meditation every full moon.
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- Standard .mp3 version
- Hi-rezolution .wav version
- Standard .mp3 with music only
- Hi-resolution .wav with music only
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