432 HzSonic MysticismSource Vibrations September 11, 2024 Full Moon Sound Ceremonies Each month, beneath the glow of the full moon, we gather in sacred space to… Asa Love0
432 HzMusicSonic MysticismSound and ColorSource Vibrations December 20, 2023 The Spiritual Nature of Music pt.1 I'm often asked, "How does intentional music work? What is its mechanism from a scientific… Asa Love0
432 HzSleepSonic MysticismSource Vibrations October 7, 2018 How to Lucid Dream: Tips, Resources and Music to Help You Lucid Dream We spend about 1/3 of our lives asleep. In order for the brain to function… Asa Love2
cryptophonicsSolfeggio FrequenciesSonic MysticismSource VibrationsUncategorized September 20, 2018 Esoteric Number Theory pt.2 ~ The Power of Triangles The Dyad is asleep in the Monad. Awakened, it unfolds into the Triad so that… Asa Love10
Solfeggio FrequenciesSonic MysticismSource Vibrations June 22, 2017 Esoteric Number Theory pt.1 ~ The Secret Nature of Numbers Unlike language, numbers are not merely intellectual abstractions or arbitrary ideas. They exist whether or… Asa Love4
Source Vibrations May 3, 2017 Welcome to Source Vibrations New Website We are so glad you're here. If you've been a long time listener, we appreciate… Katherine Eid Love7