Brainwave EntrainmentSolfeggio FrequenciesSonic Mysticism August 31, 2020 174Hz Manifesting True Intentions Hi-resolution Audio Program: 174Hz Manifesting True Intentions Everything is encoded. Everything in existence is ordered… Asa Love0
Solfeggio FrequenciesSonic Mysticism April 8, 2019 Understanding the Solfeggio Frequencies In this article, we discuss some of the numeric underpinnings to the solfeggio frequencies. It’s… Asa Love25
cryptophonicsSolfeggio FrequenciesSonic MysticismSource VibrationsUncategorized September 20, 2018 Esoteric Number Theory pt.2 ~ The Power of Triangles The Dyad is asleep in the Monad. Awakened, it unfolds into the Triad so that… Asa Love10
Solfeggio FrequenciesSonic MysticismUncategorized September 3, 2018 528Hz Water Tuner – Electrical Secrets in Hydrogen and Oxygen Water is the basis for all life. In the beginning, the original electrical spark of… Asa Love0
Solfeggio FrequenciesSonic MysticismSource Vibrations June 22, 2017 Esoteric Number Theory pt.1 ~ The Secret Nature of Numbers Unlike language, numbers are not merely intellectual abstractions or arbitrary ideas. They exist whether or… Asa Love4