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As we continue to explore the vibratory formulas of the hierarchy of light, it becomes increasingly evident that each quality of Universal Consciousness is an integral part of a divine harmony, necessitating its counterparts for completion. Symbolically, the complete spectrum of divine attributes makes up a constellation of forces, with each aspect playing an essential role in the larger whole. The cosmic forces making up the constitution of livingness are so interconnected and interdependent that we can’t truly understand any individual component except in the broader context of the relationships between each of them. Just as we can’t fully understand the human body by looking only at the heart, or understand the nature of the human experience without taking into account the thoughts, feelings, memories and desires of a particular individual, we can only arrive at a clear understanding when our vision extends to a more global, and comprehensive span of awareness.

A human being is far more than the sum of its parts—more than capabilities, personal history, knowledge, or aspirations. We can transcend our limited traits and take our place in the intricate web of divine attributes as mediators of celestial light. As human beings, with all our hopes and fears, strengths and frailties, we stand as nature’s crowning achievement. Nature labored for millions of years to craft our form, and for over 26,000 years worked to shape the civilization that cradles us. The weight of humanity’s unfolding legacy rests on the shoulders of every person alive. Whatever we know of ourselves is but a fleeting glimpse framed by the immensity of time and evolutionary forces. It is so vast that no single description could ever articulate the full measure of significance. Each of us is a fruit on the ancient tree of life, whose roots stretch back to a time beyond reckoning, beyond any narrative we could put in plan language. And yet, we walk this Earth, absorbed in life’s smallest details, blind to the miracle awaiting our awakening.

In our work with the VFHL we have been exploring the root principles constituting natural law. I hope by now we will have noticed to some degree, that the root principles of nature are shared across all the various domains of livingness. Because of their universality we are able to see that the very same forces shaping and guiding the building of mountains or the fluidity of water or the blossoming of a flower are also active in the structures of the psyche, enabling the cognitive processes of consciousness itself. That hermetic law of correspondence that says “as above so below, as within so without” provides us the clue to making intelligible those hidden patterns of nature that we depend on for our very livingness. By connecting to the symbolic essence of the 10 lights of emanation, expressed in the vibratory formulas, we come to the abstract or archetypal level of natural laws. And though we emphasize those attributes related to our self-conscious awareness, and the qualities that constitute the human personality, we can also sense, if only faintly, the whole pattern of creation in them.

The Yellow Sun                         

With the Yellow Sun we come to that place in the spectrum of light where the constellation of distinct celestial forces find their center of balance and harmony, giving us a more comprehensive view of the total spectrum of light. We had said that the three higher lights – the White, the Grey and the Black Suns – are mirrored in the three lesser lights below. The Yellow Sun is the symbolic reflection of the White Sun. Where the White Sun is the greater countenance and the seat of Jehkidah, the over soul, the yellow sun, tinged with the vibrations of the manifest world represents the individual Self.  In VFHL 5, we turn to the Yellow Sun, the light of Tiphareth תפארת as its referred to on the tree of life. Here the energies of the upper lights converge in perfect harmony, illuminating the center of divine beauty and truth.

The Yellow Sun, represents the central light of divine beauty, the equilibrium point where the higher and lower forces of the universe are brought into harmonious balance. In the physical realm, yellow light occupies a central place in the visible spectrum, symbolizing the golden mean, the perfect balance between extremes. In the study of philosophical geometry we encounter the idea that the golden mean represents the relationship between nature, humanity and Source Consciousness. In the mathematical equation; illustrating the golden rectangle we learn that A is to B as A+B is to C. This sets up a mathematical proportion of great harmony between constituent parts. All of nature reflects this proportion, or aspires to it in some way. In this mathematical proportion is a great philosophical insight. Not only does it provide nature with its most effective means of establishing dynamic equilibrium among its many forms and relationships, it supplies the basis for its efficiency, resilience and beauty. To apply different terms to this we could say that nature = A, humanity = B and Source = C. In other words nature is to humanity as nature and humanity is to the Source. In this sense Humanity is the intermediary between nature and the Divine.

Artists who have done an in-depth study of natural proportion come to learn that our very sense of beauty is intimately linked the the golden ratio. We find those forms most closely aligned with it pleasing to the eye. Whether we are looking at a flower, a landscape or the human form, we find those forms closely aligned to the golden ratio as most pleasing to the eye. In every case, the balance and harmony expressed in the golden mean also convey a sense of stability, vitality and health. Many painters, architects and composers, have understood this mathematical truth and applied it to their craft. Yet even when its not consciously put to use it appears in all great works.              

With wavelengths ranging from approximately 570 to 590 nanometers, in color science, yellow is one of the three primary colors, alongside red and blue – strength and mercy. It is positioned in a point of balance between them, suggesting the middle way between extremes. When we take the golden mean of the spectrum of visible light we find that the proportion is 578 nm.

To illustrate; The visible light spectrum typically ranges from about 380 nm (nanometers) for violet to 700 nm for red. To determine the range we take = 700 nm − 380 nm giving us 320 nm. Then we would apply the golden mean 1.618. to find the exact point.

= 380 nm + ( 380nm ÷ 1.618320 nm ) when we calculate this sum we get;

380 nm + 197.75 nm ≈ 577.75 nm. This wavelength in is the color we see is sun light. In the hex code its roughly #FFCC33.


Just as the Sun is the central point of life and light in nature, the Yellow (Golden) Sun is the central point of spiritual light in the human personality. It is through this golden light that the higher principles of Strength and Love are brought into active expression in the psyche. For this reason this station is often described as the seat of the Ego. That is to say the source of individual identity and the unique Self. The term “ego” is often used to connote the negative qualities of the personality, but here it is not meant in this way. Rather the One Ego, in which we all share, is the thrown of the individual identity which is for everyone the Center of the Christ Consciousness.

Some may prefer to think of this center of consciousness by a different term, due to past experiences with religious and patriarchal verbiage, since many of the ways this notion has been interpreted have lacked the true spirit of its meaning. Instead, we can give this attribute the heading of the Unique Self. It is neither male nor female but rather it is both.

Christ, as some of you will already have gathered is not merely a figure from history or the name of a great man, but a title used to indicate the true nature of all sentient beings, and the evolutionary station we are each destined to attain. We all partake of this magnificent light which furnishes our sense of individual self-hood. When we fully realize the true nature of the Self and have taken up a conscious identification with its Source, we are partaking of the Christ Consciousness.

Connected to this divine aspect is also the wisdom of the One in the many.  Throughout the vast majority of human history we have thought of the Sun as unique in all the heavens. Our view of things was limited to our subjective vantage point on the Earth. From that perspective the Sun was the only celestial body of its kind. It was not until humanity had expanded its understanding of the cosmos, did we realize that the universe is full of Suns. From a broader and more comprehensive view, we see that our Sun, while precious to all life on Earth, is itself a star. One of many countless billions of stars in the galaxy. So to is every individual a star, an individuated expression of the One Light. And though we are each the Sun of our own personal lives, that light we shine is the same light radiating through everyone. As we bathe in the beauty of this understanding, we inevitably come to see all beings as One and equal to ourselves in essence.                    

The Role of the Golden Sun in Spiritual Development

In the hierarchy of light, the Golden Sun is the divine spark within each soul that bridges the higher and lower aspects of our being. It is in Tiphareth that the soul experiences the harmony of opposites, where mercy and strength, compassion and justice, are reconciled in the light of divine beauty. It is the mid-point between the higher aspects of cosmic principles, and the lower worlds of material nature. For this reason it holds the office of the mediator between the supernal forces and their expression in the world of forms and activities. This places humanity in the key position to be the stewards of the divine creative intelligence, bringing into the world the will of the divine, establishing greater harmony and balance throughout the world.         

In this context, it is the light of enlightenment that guides the soul toward the realization of its true nature. It is the illumination of the spiritual heart, where the personal self is transcended, and and included into the realization of the Universal Self. This light is not merely an intellectual or personal revelation but an essential station on the path of return, that empowers us to become centers of illuminated expression on Earth. It is the living light of divine love, radiating from the heart of the cosmos, calling each soul to its highest expression.

The spiritual adepts that have come to this direct knowledge recognize the interconnected and interdependent nature of all things and beings. They know their own liberation is inextricably linked with everyone else’s. They see and feel and know that their own freedom is incomplete until every last one of us are free. This inspires them to serve the spiritual evolution of humanity, shining out their light in the form of various types of service.

The Initiation of the Lesser Mysteries        

On the initiatory journey of the path of return, the Golden Sun is associated with the principle of sacrifice. It signifies the willingness to give of oneself for the greater good. This does not require the sacrifice of anything with lasting value, but rather it is the joyful offering of the self in service to the divine. It is the sacrifice of the lower self, the surrender of personal will to the divine will, that we might allow the light of Tiphareth to shine through into the world, illuminating the path for all. This sacrifice, in the most practical sense is but the diligence in taking upon ourselves the practices of self-transformation which will inevitably lead to spiritual adeptship, thereby making us truly serviceable to the divine plan.

In the initiation of the Golden Sun, seekers have become profoundly aware of the lesser mysteries. The lesser mysteries are those insights gained from a careful and mature inventory of the values that guide our lives and indeed all life. It comes as a result of the willingness to look and see the true purpose and function of existence, and the cost of not realizing the evolutionary potential revealed therein. These initiates know that there is no lasting satisfaction in the illusion of forms, and egoic aspirations. They see with sober clarity, that at the end of the path of the  vanities of the world and all their useless strivings, is the emptiness of a meaningless existence, culminating in the oblivion of death.

As they look forward on the path of their lives, they have seen the ultimate disaster awaiting them should they continue their allegiance to the errors of the mass mind. The light of the Sun shines on the previously unseen facts of human existence, that time will come for everyone, slowly and discreetly at first, but finally, it will rush in and take us like Hades coming to kidnap Persephone and take her to the underworld. The illusion of separation and the inevitable suffering that comes as a result of our bondage to it, is exposed in the full light of day. None who look into this abyss are ever the same again. Once this awakening occurs, it is impossible to go back to sleep entirely.

Then, every moment of life becomes a precious opportunity to ascend. The most valuable thing about it is fully recognized and becomes for them, the most important thing. They see and feel and know that the purpose guided by the supreme goal of Creation is the only true and lasting source of fulfillment there is. They know that any plan of their own can not effectively replace the aspiration of spiritual realization resting in the heart of every soul.

The quiet torment of separation, having lost its ability to enchant and seduce, now becomes an intolerable superlative that they are ready to put away. They also see that the full command of their faculties have not been actualized – faculties that are indispensable to the service work to come. They realize without any condemnation, or undue shame and guilt, that they will remain limited in their usefulness to the healing and awakening of others, so long as they remain ensnared by even the least of the mass-mind drives. The animal nature, or vital soul, retaining many of the outmoded vestigial adaptations of an earlier time in our evolution, now cause limitations that must be disposed of.

For the living light to make full use of the personality vehicle, it must be purified and brought into harmony and alignment with the spiritual hierarchy. The Golden Sun then is also known as the Great Redeemer. This is because the individuated self, and its physical vehicle, having taken on the densities of the lower worlds, remains to some degree, in a state of ignorance – caught in the grooves of outmoded ways of thinking and being. The veils to understanding yet cloud the mind and leave us confused, indecisive and unable to follow the small still voice of the One who knows and by whose guidance all good works are accomplished.

In the light of the Golden Sun we are redeemed. Our erroneous belief in separation is brought to light and undone in the gentle grace of the Creators boundless love. Now, the pain of separation, that alchemical lead is transformed into the Gold of illumination. Here we find the One Teacher, who forever unites us to the Source of Creation is ever present and we know we are not alone. The perfect love of the Christ Light is closer than our very breath, ever ready to lift us from our increasingly rare descents into sorrow. We know now in ever increasing measure, that all things we’ll ever need are here now. All the power necessary to overcome the obstacles in our lives, or accomplish any miracle of love is ever ready at our disposal.

In this profound light, we are reborn into the sacred heart of service. From this center of consciousness we gain a new vantage point, one that is able to see the integral world. The interdependent and interconnected nature of things is illuminated in the full light of day. The illusion of separateness no longer conceals the essence of life in the veils of obscurity. Now we see that we are but microcosms of the larger whole. Every person, every creature, every event and indeed the whole flow of time and its evolutionary trajectory are a part of the super conscious super-organism, and we are but cells in its vast body of life and light. This view provides us a near endless energy, love and wisdom to transform ourselves and the world around us.

Many have described the state associated with this station as cosmic consciousness, since the vision illuminated here reaches far beyond the scope of our personal lives giving us a hallowed appreciation for the immensity of its depth and beauty. Our felt sense of personal significance is translated from one of littleness to that of wholeness and holiness. Our personal preferences and prejudices are seen as insignificant by comparison. Here the small self “ego” is reinterpreted as the individuated expression of the One Ego, that Central and Universal Self giving life and mind to All That Is. And as the golden light begins to transform all our hopes and fears, our goals and desires, we let go of all our grievances, secure in the knowing that all aspects of our life are guided by the sacred laws working tirelessly toward the culmination of the divine plan.

This is no longer a mere spiritual belief held in our heart of hearts. Rather its a visible fact, as plain to see as the rising sun. Mystics often attribute this center of consciousness to be the source of forgiveness, yet we might also recognize here that there was nothing to forgive. Never was there a time when our essential nature was injured. That purity of innocence shining out from Source Consciousness has never been defiled by the world of names and forms. No mater how egregious the error or distortion that had been expressed, either by us or to us remains. Those temporary states of imperfection of the One Life pass away, and what is left is the sacred changeless truth of eternal beingness.

This station on the spectrum of divine consciousness is but the beginning of liberation. Here we are liberated from useless suffering, needless limitations and the heavy burdens that come with our ignorance are laid aside. Yet we see also that it is only the beginning. Our journey will take us to even higher summits, where our vision and our service takes on ever greater potency. And our walk with Source becomes ever more vivid and intimate. Guide by this profound vision of beauty we receive a portion of the changeless and eternal truth governing all life.