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In VFHL 3 we turn our attention to the blue light of love and healing. Physical blue light has a wavelength of 450-485 nanometers. It is the next slowest vibration on the visible light spectrum from violet. We might say that the light of Understanding, while we had envisioned a black sun in the meditation, emanates a violet or ultraviolet light. Nothing that has positive existence in the universe is truly dark, even black holes have a rim of light as matter is drawn in to it and heated to extremely high temperatures. Quasars for example, believed to be powered by super massive blackholes are some of the largest and brightest stellar objects in the universe. On the event horizon of quasars, a broad spectrum of light emanates including x-rays, infrared light, visible light and gamma rays. Most of these bands of light can not be detected by the eyes.

We commonly think of the Sun as being the source of light, in its rays are also the complete spectrum of light. But when that light runs into the interference of the Earths atmosphere it appears to us as blue light. For this reason we see the sky as blue. Looking up into the clear sky at day time we see a vast ocean of azure. This conjures the sense of expansion, limitlessness, openness and peace.

Its only fitting then that blue light or what we are calling the Blue Sun in VFHL is associated to the majestic, expansive quality of mercy, benevolence and love. In our meditation we invoke the image of the blue sun to communicate the message to subconsciousness to align with the qualities of compassion, generosity and spiritual love. On the tree of life the blue light is associated to the sphere of activity that orders, the livingness into its myriad forms of organisms. The name given to this attribute  on the Qabalistic Tree of Life is Chesed חסד in Hebrew meaning mercy. This sphere of activity is responsible for structuring the process of evolution toward greater diversity, unity and wholeness. It is in this sense the gentle guide of nature, helping to structure evolutionary processes toward greater harmony, and balance.

At the human level this frequency provides us the impulse of expansion. We seek greater knowledge and wisdom, and seek to traverse across the horizons of our seeming limitations. This can be in ordinary ways like the drive to increase our abundance, overcome challenges and realize and expand our gifts. This expansive influence then is associated also with the great benefic planet of Jupiter in astrology. When we are strong in blue light we are aligned with abundance, expansive growth and generosity, qualities we often associate with love.

Love in this sense is not merely a sentimental feeling, but a vast field of expansive energy. Our aspiration toward greater goodness and wisdom is its influence in our personal lives. Many of you will have already felt in some way or another that Love is a definite substance. Its not just a feeling of agape, (spiritual love) or compassion, while it is most certainly that, it is a real material, underlying the tendency to bring greater harmony and blessings into our personal lives and the world. Those great masters of wisdom which have climbed high up on the path of return to the evolutionary station of mercy, are called the Chasidim – masters of compassion. Their love has reached a stage of evolution of such a high degree of refinement that there is nothing left in them but universal love and compassion. They know, as it is the destiny of every individual to know that the real force in operation throughout the world is Love. They know the law of life is a law of love, which seeks to give expression to the highest forms of consciousness. They understand that the very cause of existence, and the guiding principle shaping all of nature is the expression of Divine Love.

Light is an organizing power. It is energy and information in a fundamental sense, and that power is active in the very root of matter and consciousness itself. Each atom in the universe is bound up by this attractive force. Though scientist yet mistakenly believe that entropy will one day cool the universe into an eternal darkness, the light of Mercy reveals the ageless truth that all things are eternal, ever building up into forms that enable higher consciousness to come into being. Without this force, no atom would adhere to another, no cells would build up into organs and organs into organisms. Without this force, creatures would have no attraction to their mates, and no bonds could be built to sustain the species.

Love is the law that guides our actions toward greater unity and wholeness. The degree to which it is refined in us is the degree to which we have attained the expanded forms of compassion. At the simplest levels we care for our immediate circle of influence, our family our friends and neighbors. As this force develops in us, that circle of care expands from our families and friends to our ethnic communities, our nation, the many creatures and systems of nature, to our entire planet. As we grow in the light of Mercy, refining our sense of oneness with all life, our Love grows to such an expansive degree that it increasingly includes everything.

Many of you will have attuned at times to the planetary consciousness. That sense of care and stewardship for all of humankind and nature. Every human being, every living creature and every tree and plant, making up the ecosystem, and the biosphere. We feel this great beneficent force in our hearts every time we empathize with others, those we know, as well as those we don’t know, whether they are in our local community or the other side of the world. The Blue Light in us cares about the wellbeing of all forms of life indiscriminately. At the highest stages of our evolutionary process, we are so completely identified with the interconnectedness of all life that anyones suffering anywhere is felt as our own.

Planetary consciousness reveals the changeless truth that all beings are interdependent and interconnected. Our harmony and sense of wholeness is incomplete if even one precious soul is in distress. We know that all forms of suffering have there root in the errors of ignorance and selfishness. This intuition drives us bit by bit toward greater compassion. We aspire to give our gift however small, to the betterment of all. Mercy then has its temporary hardships as well. When our circle of care includes everyone, we often feel the impact of disharmony, wherever it is in the world, to a greater degree. War, bigotry and the exploitative impulses driving so much of human activity is no longer something we can simply ignore.

Those who feel deeply for others don’t have the luxury of ignoring the cries of any living creature. Though we may feel helpless in many circumstances to take effective action to alleviate the suffering of others, our sense of compassion prevents us from turning away entirely. We remain alert to the goings on and try as we might at the very least to understand their causes. And when we can we do help. When we are able to contribute to the wellbeing and happiness of others, without causing injury to ourselves or others the Blue Sun in us shines forth its benevolent Mercy. This Love may take any number of forms from giving our attention to others, to practicing charity, to any of the simple acts of kindness and generosity the makes life more enjoyable for those who are in our care. Benevolence, in any of its forms of giving, whether it be in acts of forgiveness, or service, all have in common the quality of grace and selflessness. We each practice this expression in a thousand ways everyday, often without even realizing it. Mothers and fathers, siblings and spouses, friends and lovers, all are bonded in the light of Love. This love is the glue of society.

We take little notice of any sense of cost in our generosity toward others when we realize our mutuality. To give is the same as receiving, because what we give freely is increased in us. When we make our beloved happy we are delighted as well. When we help to spread harmony in our world our world is made more beautiful and that beauty comes back to us with greater light and delight.

For this reason the Blue Sun is also known to be infinite in its supply of givingness. When we give in its true spirit, there is no cost to ourselves. We know that we are not the originators of it, but only its vehicles. We’ll often find as the saying goes that empty hands that give are filled. Just the simple act of holding the intention to be a blessing puts us in alignment with the glorious benevolence of the eternal supply of all goodness. Its riches are truly exhaustless. For this reason the blue light is also associated with abundance. We all have noticed that those who feel this energy seem to have boundless energy and resources to share. The more we give the more we have, and the more we love others the more love we have in our lives.

The Blue Sun then in its most expansive levels is that state of realization sometimes described as cosmic consciousness. When our expanding circle of care envelopes every living thing, every being and that which supports them, our attention becomes highly sensitive to great depths and subtlety. Have you ever noticed how easy it is to concentrate on someone when you are in love with them? They are in our every thought. We study their whole beingness, learning their needs and desires, effortlessly moving to fulfill them. When we love something, even if its a hobby or some subject of interest, we can concentrate deeply without much effort. We can easily focus our attention because the magnetic force of love draws us to it. We meditate on the most minute details and work with sustained vigor toward greater service to its expression. Every master artist, musician or craftsman of any kind will report, their seeming discipline is little more than adoration. No obstacle to expertise stands a chance against the potency of love.

Lets consider then that quality of adeptship we might imagine as the quality of consciousness possessed by the masters of compassion. Planetary consciousness had made them profoundly aware of the interdependence of all life. They have realized the necessity of selfless service to the alleviation of suffering in all its forms. The blue light in them has grown to such fine and fiery a degree that they are able to concentrate on the very roots of the human condition. Their attention has fixated on the laws of nature, its patterns and processes of growth, balance and decay, seeing into not only the fine-grain nuances of every detail responsible for human joy and sorrow, but to the far end of evolution itself. They see as we all will see in due course, the full scope of the life processes themselves. They recognize that the laws of nature are structured by the benevolent agenda of Source Consciousness to bring about the fullness of illuminated understanding.

They know by direct experience, that the whole prehistory of biological evolution, the story of humanity through every stage of its journey in building society, is an unfolding expression of the Creative Intelligence of the Universal Mind. By their profound concentration on the laws governing all life, and by the breadth of their far reaching vision into its ultimate destiny, they have come to an understanding of the true purpose of existence itself. They are passionately in love with its cause and inevitable consequence. They see and feel and know that the Love of the Creator has fashioned the world in such a way as to bring about the eternal glory of communion. They realize that the whole goal of beingness is the perfection of eternal bliss in each of its individual agents in union with its Source.

With this realization then, they have no other agenda than that of the goal of Creation itself. They have found no error in its purpose or its processes. Yet they know also that much can be done to expedite its outcome. They have come to the conclusion that the process of evolution can be intelligently directed in such a way that greatly accelerates its progress. They themselves have reach their own station on the ladder of development by the means of punctuated evolution. The wisdom they have gained and put to skillful use in the development of their own consciousness has matured them to a profound degree. They have received direct transmissions of energy and information from the higher levels of the spiritual hierarchy, applying its principles to test it out for themselves and find nothing lacking in it.

That super-abundance then has no other means of expression than to radiate. Just as the sun shines out its nuclear energy in the form of light and heat, giving life to the world, the masters of compassion shine out their Love in illuminated wisdom. Their service to the spiritual evolution of humanity has taken a vast array of forms in the many teachings on the ageless wisdom. They have learned, practiced and refined those methods given to them by the hierarchy of light, shaping it into the methods most useful to humanity in every age, and stage of its growth. Those principles and practices that enable our own punctuated development have been formulated in the doctrines of esoteric wisdom. Those who have found themselves in adoration of its universal wisdom all come to their same conclusion and powers of love.

When we burn in the mystical light of the Blue Sun, we are attuned to that quality of Mercy that seeks to serve the plan of evolution. That light in us may be small at first. We do what we can according to our capability and our knowledge, but as we practice even the simplest forms of loving kindness in daily life, we grow in that magnetic service to the All. We may on occasion feel the limits of our own capacity, our own selfishness, apathy and inertia, but we must never despair. That Blue Sun shines in us and down to us from the mountain top. The masters of compassion are with us more now than in any other age of human history, and we have an abundance of evidence to build our faith in this great blessing.

Cosmic consciousness is the birthright of every individual without exception, and every error can be undone! This truth is a changeless expression of the Creator’s limitless Love. We are made of it and live in it. As we go to work on our own consciousness, in the studies and practices of the ageless wisdom, we give the greatest gift of service to all humanity and to God, because we are giving that Divine Intelligence yet another center of livingness to express through into the world.

We are its eyes and hands and hearts more and more as we love one another, and develop ourselves into masters of compassion. No act of kindness and generosity, however small is insignificant. Each of them build on the great storehouse of living light! No practice of spiritual discipline is for ourselves alone, because each advancement in our own evolution gives more room to the presence of the ageless One to live into this world. Every tear shed over the suffering of the beloved is sacred Love. In the warmth of this light we remember that every pang of sorrow holds the seed of transformation and will at last become the wild cry of joy and gratitude to the endless miracle of Love’s perfect law.